
IPure kit v2

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Diagenode’s IPure kit is the only DNA purification kit using magnetic beads, that is specifically optimized for extracting DNA from ChIP, MeDIP and CUT&Tag. The use of the magnetic beads allows for a clear separation of DNA and increases therefore the reproducibility of your DNA purification. This simple and straightforward protocol delivers pure DNA ready for any downstream application (e.g. next generation sequencing). Comparing to phenol-chloroform extraction, the IPure technology has the advantage of being nontoxic and much easier to be carried out on multiple samples.

High DNA recovery after purification of ChIP samples using IPure technology

ChIP assays were performed using different amounts of U2OS cells and the H3K9me3 antibody (Cat. No. C15410056; 2 g/IP). The purified DNA was eluted in 50 µl of water and quantified with a Nanodrop.

Benefits of the IPure kit:

  • Provides pure DNA for any downstream application (e. g. Next generation sequencing)
  • Non-toxic
  • Fast & easy to use
  • Optimized for DNA purification after ChIP, MeDIP and CUT&Tag
  • Compatible with automation
  • Validated on the IP-Star Compact (Auto IPure kit v2, Cat. No. C03010010)