DownloadAuto IPure kit V2
Diagenode’s Auto IPure kit v2 is the only DNA purification kit using magnetic beads, that is specifically optimized for extracting DNA from ChIP and MeDIP (Chromatin IP and Methylated D...
DownloadAuto TrueMicroChIP kit
Conventional ChIP protocols require high numbers of cells (hundreds of thousands cells at least) limiting the application for ChIP technology to few cell samples. Recently, ChIP assays on sma...
DownloadD-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit
The Diagenode D-Plex Total RNA-seq Library Preparation kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding and non-coding transcriptome. The present kit incorporates the unique D-Plex technolo...
DownloadPremium Bisulfite kit
Fastest method for complete bisulfite conversion of DNA for methylation analysis.
Ready-to-use conversion reagent is added directly to DNA.
High-yield, converted DNA is idea...
DownloadiDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones x10 - Manual
Don’t risk wasting your precious sequencing samples. Diagenode’s validated iDeal ChIP-seq kit has everything you need for a successful ChIP prior to Next-Generation Sequencing.The iDeal...
DownloadTrue MicroChIP-seq Kit
The True MicroChIP-seq kit provides a robust ChIP protocol suitable for the investigation of histone modifications within chromatin from as few as 10 000 cells, including FACS sorted cells.
DownloadATAC-seq Kit - Manual
Gene expression is carefully regulated in the cells in order to manage a wide range of biological functions. The structure of chromatin is quite dynamic and contributes to this crucial regulatory p...
DownloadPremium RRBS kit
Diagenode’s Premium RRBS technology
Positive and negative spike-in controls are included for the monitoring of bisulfite conversion efficiency.
Size selection has been optim...
DownloadDiaMag Rotator
The DiaMag Rotator has been designed for a perfect and gentle mixing of your samples during incubation with the DiaMag magnetic beads. It fits easily on your lab bench and allows for mixing of 36 t...
DownloadChIP cross-link Gold
The first step of a ChIP assay is the cross-linking in order to fix the cells. Cross-linking is typically achieved by using formaldehyde which forms reversible DNA-protein links. Formaldehyde...