DownloadChromatin shearing with the Diagenode One
The Diagenode One is a new affordable solution for Chromatin shearing in ChIP analysis for small samples. Designed to fit any bench, it is the smallest and lightest Diagenode shearing de...
DownloadExoIP kits
ExoIP kit: immunocapture for efficient exosome isolation
ExoIP kits are the appropriate solution to isolate and enrich exosomes from diverse biological fluid samples and avoid contamination from v...
EVCleaner: size exclusion column for the isolation of extracellular vesicles
DownloadBioruptor® Pico DNA QC kit manual
We have developed the DNA Quality Control Kit for you to be able to track the efficiency of your Bioruptor® and to figure out the right time for servicing. After the sonication, if your QC...
DownloadBioruptor® Plus DNA QC kit manual
We have developed the DNA Quality Control Kit for you to be able to track the efficiency of your Bioruptor® and to figure out the right time for servicing. After the sonication, if your QC...
DownloadMegaruptor® 2 Manual
The Megaruptor® 2 was designed to provide researchers with a simple, automated, and reproducible device for the fragmentation of DNA in the range of 3 kb - 75 kb (contact us for the 3 k...
DownloadMegaruptor® 2 Quick guide
We have designed the Megaruptor® 2 using our highest level of knowledge in shearing so that it exceeds your expectations. This device will serve your research needs for many years an...
DownloadAuto Universal Plant ChIP-seq Kit
The Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit offers the convenience of extracting plant chromatin from a wide variety of plants including Arabidopsis, maize, rice, tomato and poplar a...
DownloadThe Diagenode Epigenetics custom service
Complete workflows for genome-scale DNA methylation and histone marks analysis
Epigenetics is crucial for the regulation of gene expression and has broad relevance in biological processes like dev...