
Interplay between coding and non-coding regulation drives the Arabidopsis seed-to-seedling transition

Trembley B.J.M. et al.

Translation of seed stored mRNAs is essential to trigger germination. However, when RNAPII re-engages RNA synthesis during the seed-to-seedling transition has remained in question. Combining csRNA-seq, ATAC-seq and smFISH in Arabidopsis thaliana we demonstrate that active transcription initiation is detectable during the entire germination process. Features of non-coding regulation such as dynamic changes in chromatin accessible regions, antisense transcription, as well as bidirectional non-coding promoters are widespread throughout the Arabidopsis genome. We show that sensitivity to exogenous ABSCISIC ACID (ABA) during germination depends on proximal promoter accessibility at ABA-responsive genes. Moreover, we provide genetic validation of the existence of divergent transcription in plants. Our results reveal that active enhancer elements are transcribed producing non-coding enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) as widely documented in metazoans. In sum, this study defining the extent and role of coding and non-coding transcription during key stages of germination expands our understanding of transcriptional mechanisms underlying plant developmental transitions.


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February, 2024


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