
24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I

Catalog Number
48 rxns

The 24 Unique Dual Indexes kits (UDI) for MicroPlex v3 provide combinations of unique barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) where each barcode is uniquely attributed to one sample. This is an excellent tool to identify mistakes during index sequencing. A phenomenon known as index hopping can lead to misattribution of some reads to the wrong sample, particularly frequent with the NovaSeq6000. The use of Unique Dual-Indexing (UDI) is therefore highly recommended when using this sequencer.

Two sets of UDI are available:

Each set allows for multiplexing up to 24  samples.

The Unique Dual indexes kits are compatible with the Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3.

Read more about library preparation for ChIP-seq

  • Characteristics

    Library preparation with MicroPlex

    • 1 tube, 2 hours, 3 steps protocol
    • Input: 50 pg – 50 ng
    • Reduce potential bias - few PCR amplification cycles needed
    • High sensitivity ChIP-seq - low PCR duplication rate
    • Allow for identification of index hopping
    • Great multiplexing flexibility
    • Validated with the IP-Star Compact Automated Platform

    How it works

    Microplex workflow - protocol with unique dual indexes
    An input of 50 pg to 50 ng of fragmented dsDNA is converted into sequencing-ready libraries for Illumina® NGS platforms using a fast and simple 3-step protocol

    • Read more about MicroPlex workflow

      Step 1. Template Preparation provides efficient repair of the fragmented double-stranded DNA input.

      In this step, the DNA is repaired and yields molecules with blunt ends.

      Step 2. Library Synthesis. enables ligation of MicroPlex patented stem- loop adapters.

      In the next step, stem-loop adaptors with blocked 5’ ends are ligated with high efficiency to the 5’ end of the genomic DNA, leaving a nick at the 3’ end. The adaptors cannot ligate to each other and do not have single- strand tails, both of which contribute to non-specific background found with many other NGS preparations.

      Step 3. Library Amplification enables extension of the template, cleavage of the stem-loop adaptors, and amplification of the library. Illumina- compatible indexes are also introduced using a high-fidelity, highly- processive, low-bias DNA polymerase.

      In the final step, the 3’ ends of the genomic DNA are extended to complete library synthesis and Illumina-compatible indexes are added through a high-fidelity amplification. Any remaining free adaptors are destroyed. Hands-on time and the risk of contamination are minimized by using a single tube and eliminating intermediate purifications.

      Obtained libraries are purified, quantified and sized. The libraries pooling can be performed as well before sequencing.

  •  Documents
    Primer indexes for MicroPlex kit v3 MANUAL
    High Performance Library Preparation for Illumina® NGS Platforms
  •  Safety sheets
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS GB en Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS US en Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS DE de Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS JP ja Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS BE nl Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS BE fr Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS FR fr Download
    24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I SDS ES es Download
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    How to properly cite this product in your work

    Diagenode strongly recommends using this: 24 UDI for MicroPlex v3 - Set I (Diagenode Cat# C05010008). Click here to copy to clipboard.

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