
True MicroChIP Kit

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The True MicroChIP kit in combination with the MicroPlex Library Preparation™ kit allows for chromatin preparation for downstream ChIP-seq and ChIP-qPCR on histone targets on as few as 10,000 cells

The complete kit contains everything you need for start-to-finish ChIP including all validated buffers and reagents for chromatin shearing, immunoprecipitation, and elution for exceptional ChIP-qPCR or ChIP-Seq results. In addition, positive control antibodies and negative control PCR primers are included for your convenience and assurance of result sensitivity and specificity.

  • Characteristics
    • Revolutionary: Only 10,000 cells needed for complete ChIP-seq procedure
    • Validated on studies for histone marks
    • Automated protocol for the IP-Star® Compact Automated Platform available

    The True MicroChIP-seq kit protocol has been optimized for the use of 10,000 - 100,000 cells per immunoprecipitation reaction. Regarding chromatin immunoprecipitation, three protocol variants have been optimized:
    starting with a batch, starting with an individual sample and starting with the FACS-sorted cells.

    High efficiency ChIP on 10,000 cells

    Figure 1. ChIP efficiency on 10,000 cells. ChIP was performed on human Hela cells using the Diagenode antibodies H3K4me3 (Cat. No. C15410003), H3K27ac (C15410174), H3K9me3 (C15410056) and H3K27me3 (C15410069). Sheared chromatin from 10,000 cells and 0.1 µg (H3K27ac), 0.25 µg (H3K4me3 and H3K27me3) or 0.5 µg (H3K9me3) of the antibody were used per IP. Corresponding amount of IgG was used as control. Quantitative PCR was performed with primers for corresponding positive and negative loci. Figure shows the recovery, expressed as a % of input (the relative amount of immunoprecipitated DNA compared to input DNA after qPCR analysis).

    True MicroChIP-seq protocol in a combination with MicroPlex library preparation kit results in reliable and accurate sequencing data

    True MicroChip results

    Figure 2. Integrative genomics viewer (IGV) visualization of ChIP-seq experiments using 50.000 of K562 cells. ChIP has been performed accordingly to True MicroChIP protocol followed by the library preparation using MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit (C05010001). The above figure shows the peaks from ChIP-seq experiments using the following antibodies: H3K4me1 (C15410194), H3K9/14ac (C15410200), H3K27ac (C15410196) and H3K36me3 (C15410192).

    Successful chromatin profiling from 10.000 of FACS-sorted cells

    small non coding RNA

    Figure 3. (A) Integrative genomics viewer (IGV) visualization of ChIP-seq experiments and heatmap 3kb upstream and downstream of the TSS (B) for H3K4me3. ChIP has been performed using 10.000 of FACS-sorted cells (K562) and H3K4me3 antibody (C15410003) accordingly to True MicroChIP protocol followed by the library preparation using MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit (C05010001). Data were compared to ENCODE standards.

  • Additional solutions compatible with the True MicroChIP Kit

    The Chromatin EasyShear Kit – High SDS Recommended for the optimizing chromatin shearing.

    ChIP-seq grade antibodies for high yields, specificity, and sensitivity.

    Check the list of available primer pairs designed for high specificity to specific genomic regions.

    For library preparation of immunoprecipitated samples we recommend to use the  MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit - validated for library preparation from picogram inputs.

    For IP-Star Automation users, check out the automated version of this kit.

    Application note: Best Workflow Practices for ChIP-seq Analysis with Small Samples

  •  证明书

    I am working with the True MicroChIP & Microplex Library Preparation Kits and several histone modification antibodies like H3K27ac, H3K4me3, H3K36me3, and H3K27me3. I got always very good and reproducible results for my ChIP-seq experiments.

    Andrea Thiesen, ZMB, Developmental Biology, Prof. Dr. Andrea Vortkamp´s lab, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  •  文档
    Chromatin Brochure BROCHURE
    Whether you are experienced or new to the field of chromatin immunoprecipitation, Diagenode has e...
    True MicroChIP and MicroPlex kits APPLICATION NOTE
    From minuscule amounts to magnificent results: reliable ChIP-seq data from 10,000 cells with the ...
    ChIP kit results with True MicroChIP kit POSTER
    Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become the g...
    Application note: Best Workflow Practices for ChIP-seq Analysis with Small Samples APPLICATION NOTE
    Combined chromatin immunoprecipitation and next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become the g...
    Chromatin shearing with the Diagenode One APPLICATION NOTE
     The Diagenode One is a new affordable solution for Chromatin shearing in ChIP analysis for ...
    True MicroChIP-seq Kit MANUAL
    The True MicroChIP-seq kit provides a robust ChIP protocol suitable for the investigation of hist...
  •  Safety sheets
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  •  出版物

    How to properly cite this product in your work

    Diagenode strongly recommends using this: True MicroChIP Kit (Diagenode Cat# C01010132). Click here to copy to clipboard.

    Using our products in your publication? Let us know!

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