
Modification Ac-Lysine

Catalog Number
20 mg

For many years, Diagenode has acquired a strong and reliable experience in the production of custom epigenetic antibodies, allowing us to become one of the most reliable partner in several EU projects in this field of studies. Following our success in optimizing and developing our epigenetic antibody production procedures we are able to offer this as a custom service to meet your specific research needs.

  • Characteristics
    • Flexibility: you can provide us with your protein or with your own peptide or you can choose our custom peptide design/synthesis/coupling service.
    • Support: our team of specialists will provide you with free peptide design and top-level advice and support along your immunisation program.
    • High-Quality products: our extended immunisation program will ensure you to get more Ab with higher titer and affinity than any other supplier. Moreover at the end of the program you will receive the purified anti-serum.
    • Extension of partnership: If you think that your antibody is proven to be of commercial interest, we will be pleased to consider the opportunity to collaborate.
  •  Documents
    Custom Antibody 032010V4 DATASHEET
    Datasheet description
  •  Publications

    How to properly cite this product in your work

    Diagenode strongly recommends using this: Modification Ac-Lysine (Diagenode Cat# pAb-cust-120). Click here to copy to clipboard.

    Using our products in your publication? Let us know!

    HNF1β drives glutathione (GSH) synthesis underlying intrinsic carboplatin resistance of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC)
    Filipa Lopes-Coelho, Sofia Gouveia-Fernandes, Luís G Gonçalves, Carolina Nunes, Inês Faustino, Fernanda Silva, Ana Félix, Sofia A Pereira, Jacinta Serpa
    Chemoresistance to platinum-based antineoplastic agents is a consistent feature among ovarian carcinomas; however, whereas high-grade serous carcinoma (OSC) acquires resistance during chemotherapy, ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is intrinsically resistant. The main objective of this study was to explore, in vit...