
mRNA-seq Service

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mRNA-seq is the method of choice to efficiently detect and precisely quantify coding RNAs present in a biological sample under specific circumstances. Accurate estimation of transcript abundance allows for differential expression analysis as well as the study of alternative splicing and discovery of new transcript isoforms.

Our Epigenomics Profiling Services assure a fully integrated service-workflow for generation of mRNA-seq libraries, multiplexed sequencing and data analysis. Serviced library preparation is based on specific poly A selection to produce Illumina compatible libraries enriched in mRNAs.

High performance mRNA-seq

  • Superior complexity and high transcript coverage
  • Accurate comparison of gene expression levels
  • Detection of novel transcripts, alternative splicing and gene fusion events
  • Suitable for a broad range of input amounts
  • Compatible with FFPE samples
  • Fast turnaround time (from 5 to 6 weeks)

  • Sample Requirements tab
    • Project size: minimum of 24 samples
    • Sample type: total isolated RNA
    • Required quantities: minimum 10 ng of total RNA
    • Shipment conditions: shipped in 1.5 mL or 0.5 mL tubes on dry ice
  • Services Workflow
    mRNA-seq Service

    What our service includes

    1. RNA quality control
      • Determination of RIN value (RNA integration number)
      • Measurement of RNA concentration
    2. Library preparation
      • Poly-A selection
      • Stranded library construction
      • Quality control of libraries prior to sequencing
    3. Sequencing on Illumina platforms
      • 25-30 million raw reads per sample
    4. Data analysis (optional for additional fee)
      • Standard bioinformatic analysis
      • Advanced bioinformatic analysis
      • Data delivery of raw data and all generated files through fast and secure file transfer or hard drive upon request
  • Bioinformatic Analysis

    Standard bioinformatic analysis
    (optional for additional fee)

    Advanced bioinformatic analysis
    (optional for additional fee)

    • Demultiplexing, read quality control, trimming and filtering
    • Alignment to reference genome
    • Quantification of known transcripts

    Provided files:

    • Report with sequencing statistics
    • Raw data in FASTQ format
    • FastQC report
    • Alignment in BAM format
    • Un-normalized read counts
    • Differential expression analysis
    • Gene ontology terms analysis
    • Pathway analysis
    • Alternative splicing analysis
    • Novel transcript identification

  •  文档
    The Diagenode Epigenetics custom service POSTER
    Complete workflows for genome-scale DNA methylation and histone marks analysis Epigenetics is cr...
    Epigenomics Profiling Services FLYER
    Chromatin analysis DNA methylation services RNA-seq analysis
  •  出版物

    How to properly cite this product in your work

    Diagenode strongly recommends using this: mRNA-seq Service (Diagenode Cat# G02120000). Click here to copy to clipboard.

    Using our products in your publication? Let us know!

  •  相关产品


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  • NextGen Omics 2024
    London, UK
    Oct 23-Oct 25, 2024
  • FEBS 2024
    Budapest, Hungary
    Oct 28-Oct 31, 2024
  • 5th Danube Conference on Epigenetics
    Budapest, Hungary
    Oct 28-Oct 31, 2024


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