
Functional annotations of three domestic animal genomes provide vitalresources for comparative and agricultural research.

Kern C. et al.

Gene regulatory elements are central drivers of phenotypic variation and thus of critical importance towards understanding the genetics of complex traits. The Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes consortium was formed to collaboratively annotate the functional elements in animal genomes, starting with domesticated animals. Here we present an expansive collection of datasets from eight diverse tissues in three important agricultural species: chicken (Gallus gallus), pig (Sus scrofa), and cattle (Bos taurus). Comparative analysis of these datasets and those from the human and mouse Encyclopedia of DNA Elements projects reveal that a core set of regulatory elements are functionally conserved independent of divergence between species, and that tissue-specific transcription factor occupancy at regulatory elements and their predicted target genes are also conserved. These datasets represent a unique opportunity for the emerging field of comparative epigenomics, as well as the agricultural research community, including species that are globally important food resources.

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones

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March, 2021


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    iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones
  • cut and tag antibody icon
    H3K4me3 Antibody - ChIP-seq Grade
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    H3K27me3 Antibody - ChIP-seq Grade
  • ChIP-seq Grade
    H3K27ac Antibody - ChIP-seq Grade
  • ChIP-seq Grade
    H3K4me1 Antibody - ChIP-seq Grade
  • cut and tag antibody icon
    CTCF Antibody - ChIP-seq Grade


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    London, UK
    Oct 23-Oct 25, 2024
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    Budapest, Hungary
    Oct 28-Oct 31, 2024
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    Budapest, Hungary
    Oct 28-Oct 31, 2024


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