下载FFPE DNA Extraction Kit v2 Manual
Our FFPE DNA Extraction kit contains optimized reagents that are added directly to the FFPE samples to remove paraffin, digest tissues, and purify DNA with high yields and low sample degradation. T...
下载MagMeDIP-seq Package
Magnetic Methylated DNA Immunopreciptation Package for NGS.
DNA methylation is a key epigenetic mechanism with important regulatory functions in biological processes such as genomic imprinting, co...
下载Bioruptor Standard - Discontinued
Diagenode’s Bioruptor® Standard uses a gentle method of sonication to retain the integrity of DNA and/or biological complexes, including chromatin, protein-protein binding, protein-...
下载MagMeDIP qPCR Kit - User Manual v4
This manual concerns:
MagMeDIP x48 batch #16 and after;
MagMeDIP x10 batch #7A and after.
The Diagenode MagMeDIP kit is designed to immunoprecipitate methylated DNA (Methyl DNA IP).
下载Chromatin EasyShear Kit - Low SDS
Old name: Chromatin shearing optimization kit - Low SDS (for Transcription Factors)
The first critical step of a successful Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment is the p...
下载24 SI for ChIPmentation
The 24 SI for ChIPmentation includes 24 single primer indexes allowing the multiplexing of up to 24 samples for sequencing on Illumina platforms. This set of indexes is designed to be used with TAG...
下载TAG Kit for ChIPmentation
Diagenode’s TAG Kit for ChIPmentation in combination with the set of indexes (24 SI for ChIPmentation, Cat. No. C01011031) contains all reagents needed for library preparation using a transpo...
下载D-Plex Single Indexes Manual
Get the D-Plex single index user manual to know more about their sequences and multiplexing advices by clicking the "Download" button on the left.
下载MeDIP kit
This product is now optimized using Magnetic Beads technology, please refer to MagMeDIP to get more informations.
New product version:MagMeDIP
下载Auto iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones
The Auto iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones was developed to enhance the utility of the ChIP procedure, allowing one to perform many more ChIPs per day and per week. The entire procedure can be ...
下载iDeal Library Preparation kit x24 (incl. Index Primer Set 1)
The iDeal Library Preparation Kit reliably converts DNA into indexed libraries for next-generation sequencing, with input amounts down to 1 ng. Our kit offers a simple and fast workflow, hi...
下载High Resolution Library Preparation kit
The High Resolution Library Preparation kit was developped to increase the resolution of the ChIP-seq data. This new technique for ChIP-seq library preparation reduces ChIP-seq peaks width ...