下载Premium RRBS spike-in controls - data processing
This document and files are to process the sequencing data from the spike-in controls included in the RRBS Kit in order to estimate the bisulfite conversion efficiency. You can find the sequences o...
下载Premium WGBS kit
Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) is a single nucleotide resolution technique that allows the user to study DNA methylation sites and their role in gene regulation. The Diagenode&rsquo...
下载Primer indexes for tagmented libraries
The 8 SI for tagmented libraries includes 8 primer pairs for single indexing allowing the multiplexing of up to 8 samples for sequencing on Illumina platforms. This set of indexes is designed to be...
下载Primer indexes for tagmented libraries
The primer indexes for tagmented libraries are PCR primers targeting the Nextera sequencing adaptors, previously incorporated in the libraries by tagmentation.
下载Primer indexes for tagmented libraries
The primer indexes for tagmented libraries are PCR primers targeting the Nextera sequencing adaptors, previously incorporated in the libraries by tagmentation. The structure of final library is sho...
下载Protein Extraction kit manual
Protein extraction from tissues is the first step for many biochemical and analytical techniques (PAGE, Western blotting, mass spectrometry, etc.) or protein purification. Efficient disrupt...
下载RNA extraction kit for Bioruptor Plus®
Isolation of intact RNA is essential for many techniques used in gene expression analysis (eg. RT-PCR). The RNA extraction kit is a ready-to-use reagent for total RNA extraction from tissue...
下载Sequence of the methylated spike-in control in FASTA format
This document and files are to process the sequencing data from the spike-in controls included in the RRBS kit in order to estimate the bisulfite conversion efficiency. You can find the sequences o...
下载Sequence of the unmethylated spike-in control in FASTA format
This document and files are to process the sequencing data from the spike-in controls included in the RRBS kit in order to estimate the bisulfite conversion efficiency. You can find the sequences o...
下载Shearing ChIP kit
The first critical step of a successful ChIP experiment is the preparation of sheared Chromatin. We therefore suggest the use one of our optimized Shearing ChIP kits.
下载Shearing Optimization kit
The Shearing Optimization kit is now available to prepare sheared chromatin ready-to-ChIP. The Shearing Optimization kit provides you with an easy and highly reproducible chromatin shearing...
下载Single Cycle Valve manual
The Single Cycle Valve for Bioruptor® as well as all components from this parcel, including plastic tubings and strips must be used as a junction between the Water cooler and a Bioruptor&...