下载Premium Bisulfite kit
Fastest method for complete bisulfite conversion of DNA for methylation analysis.
Ready-to-use conversion reagent is added directly to DNA.
High-yield, converted DNA is idea...
下载iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones x10 - Manual
Don’t risk wasting your precious sequencing samples. Diagenode’s validated iDeal ChIP-seq kit has everything you need for a successful ChIP prior to Next-Generation Sequencing.The iDeal...
下载True MicroChIP-seq Kit
The True MicroChIP-seq kit provides a robust ChIP protocol suitable for the investigation of histone modifications within chromatin from as few as 10 000 cells, including FACS sorted cells.
下载ATAC-seq Kit - Manual
Gene expression is carefully regulated in the cells in order to manage a wide range of biological functions. The structure of chromatin is quite dynamic and contributes to this crucial regulatory p...
下载Premium RRBS kit
Diagenode’s Premium RRBS technology
Positive and negative spike-in controls are included for the monitoring of bisulfite conversion efficiency.
Size selection has been optim...
下载DiaMag Rotator
The DiaMag Rotator has been designed for a perfect and gentle mixing of your samples during incubation with the DiaMag magnetic beads. It fits easily on your lab bench and allows for mixing of 36 t...
下载ChIP cross-link Gold
The first step of a ChIP assay is the cross-linking in order to fix the cells. Cross-linking is typically achieved by using formaldehyde which forms reversible DNA-protein links. Formaldehyde...
下载Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq Kit
The Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit offers the convenience of extracting plant chromatin from a wide variety of plants including Arabidopsis, maize, rice, tomato and poplar a...
下载Megaruptor® 2 Quick guide
We have designed the Megaruptor® 2 using our highest level of knowledge in shearing so that it exceeds your expectations. This device will serve your research needs for many years an...
下载Megaruptor® 2 Manual
The Megaruptor® 2 was designed to provide researchers with a simple, automated, and reproducible device for the fragmentation of DNA in the range of 3 kb - 75 kb (contact us for the 3 k...