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The genome sequence of the Dimorphic Bear Hoverfly, Criorhina berbe...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual female Criorhina berberina (the Dimorphic Bear Hoverfly; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Syrphidae). ... Read more »

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Mechanisms and function of de novo DNA methylation in placentaldeve...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: DNA methylation is a repressive epigenetic modification that is essential for development, exemplified by the embryonic and perinatal lethality obs... Read more »

Microplex Library Preparation kit
Neonatal inflammation increases hippocampal KCC2 expression through...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: The mechanisms by which neonatal inflammation leads to cognitive deficits in adulthood remain poorly understood. Inhibitory GABAergic synaptic tran... Read more »

MagMeDIP kit hMeDIP
Epigenomic charting and functional annotation of risk loci in renal...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: While the mutational and transcriptional landscapes of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are well-known, the epigenome is poorly understood. We characteri... Read more »

Genome assembly of the hybrid grapevine Vitis ‘Chambourcin’
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Background ‘Chambourcin’ is a French-American interspecific hybrid grape variety grown in the eastern and midwestern United States and used for mak... Read more »

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The genome sequence of a snail-killing fly, Pherbina coryleti (Scop...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual male Pherbina coryleti (snail-killing fly; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Sciomyzidae). The genome s... Read more »

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The genome sequence of the Pied Smudge, Ypsolopha sequella (Clerck,...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual Ypsolopha sequella (the Pied Smudge; Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Ypsolophidae). The genome se... Read more »

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The genome sequence of the segmented worm, Sthenelais limicola (Ehl...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual Sthenelais limicola (the segmented worm; Annelida; Polychaeta; Phyllodocida; Sigalionidae). The gen... Read more »

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The genome sequence of the sea mat, Membranipora membranacea (Linna...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an adult colony of Membranipora membranacea (the sea mat; Bryozoa; Gymnolaemata; Cheilostomatida; Membraniporidae... Read more »

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Auxin-inducible degron 2 system deciphers functions of CTCF domains...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: BACKGROUND: CTCF is a well-established chromatin architectural protein that also plays various roles in transcriptional regulation. While CTCF biol... Read more »

Whole-genome analysis of gamma-aminobutyric acid producing Psychobi...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: The gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) is a chemical messenger and is essential for the health of the brain and muscles. Some lactic acid bacteria (LA... Read more »

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Genomes of endangered great hammerhead and shortfin mako sharks rev...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Despite increasing threats of extinction to Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays), whole genome-based conservation insights are lacking. Here, we presen... Read more »

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Development of DNA methylation-based epigenetic age predictors inlo...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Biological ageing is connected to life history variation across ecological scales and informs a basic understanding of age-related declines in orga... Read more »

Premium RRBS Kit
Methyltransferase Inhibition Enables Tgf Driven Induction of and i...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: deletion or silencing is common across human cancer, reinforcing the general importance of bypassing its tumor suppression in cancer formation or p... Read more »

Antibody CRISPR
Analyzing the Genome-Wide Distribution of Histone Marks byCUT\&Tag ...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: CUT&Tag is a method to map the genome-wide distribution of histone modifications and some chromatin-associated proteins. CUT&Tag relies on ... Read more »

Imaging Chromatin Accessibility by Assay ofTransposase-Accessible C...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Chromatin accessibility is one of the fundamental structures regulating genome functions including transcription and DNA repair. Recent technologic... Read more »

Expression of RNA polymerase I catalytic core is influenced byRPA12.
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) has recently been recognized as a cancer therapeutic target. The activity of this enzyme is essential for ribosome biogene... Read more »

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
Physiological reprogramming in vivo mediated by Sox4 pioneer factor...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Tissue damage elicits cell fate switching through a process called metaplasia, but how the starting cell fate is silenced and the new cell fate is ... Read more »

The age of bone marrow dictates the clonality of smooth muscle-deri...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Aging is the predominant risk factor for atherosclerosis, the leading cause of death. Rare smooth muscle cell (SMC) progenitors clonally expand giv... Read more »

Antibody hMeDIP
Identification of Laportea bulbifera using the complete chloroplast...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Laportea bulbifera, a Miao medicine grown in karst areas, has exerted a unique curative effect on skin itching in the elderly, with an annual sales... Read more »

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Whole Genomes Reveal Evolutionary Relationships and Mechanisms Unde...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Rapidly evolving taxa are excellent models for understanding the mechanisms that give rise to biodiversity. However, developing an accurate histori... Read more »

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Impact of Fetal Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalMixtures o...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been shown to affect male reproductive functions. However, the effects on male repr... Read more »

Microplex Library Preparation kit iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors Chromatin Profiling (ChIP-seq) Services
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor cell intrinsically promotes resident ...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) regulates the differentiation and function of CD4 T cells; however, its cell-intrinsic role in CD8 T ... Read more »

True MicroChIP kit iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
The genome sequence of the White-barred Gold, Micropterix aruncella...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual female Micropterix aruncella (the White-barred Gold; Arthropoda, Insecta, Lepidoptera; Micropterigi... Read more »

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Ageing-associated small RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles.
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Previous work on murine models and humans demonstrated global as well as tissue-specific molecular ageing trajectories of RNAs. Extracellular vesic... Read more »

D-Plex small RNA-seq
The genome sequence of the dark-saddled leucozona, Leucozona latern...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual female Leucozona laternaria (the dark-saddled leucozona; Arthropoda; Insecta; Diptera; Syrphidae). ... Read more »

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The genome sequence of the spotted kaleidoscope jellyfish, Haliclys...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual Haliclystus octoradiatus (the spotted kaleidoscope jellyfish; Cnidaria; Staurozoa; Stauromedusae; H... Read more »

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The genome sequence of the ichneumon wasp Buathra laborator (Thunbe...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual Buathra laborator (Arthropoda; Insecta; Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae). The genome sequence is 330 meg... Read more »

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DNA dioxygenases Tet2/3 regulate gene promoter accessibility andchr...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Execution of lineage-specific differentiation programs requires tight coordination between many regulators including Ten-eleven translocation (TET)... Read more »

A Systemic and Integrated Analysis of p63-Driven RegulatoryNetworks...
Published: January, 2023

Abstract: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy of the oral cavity and is linked to tobacco exposure, alcohol consumption, and hu... Read more »

Bioruptor iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors


  • EpiNantes 2024
    Nantes, France
    Sep 24-Sep 25, 2024
  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024
  • Long-Read Sequencing Meeting 2024
    Uppsala, Sweden
    Oct 21-Oct 23, 2024
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