DownloadAuto Universal Plant ChIP-seq Kit
The Auto Universal Plant ChIP-seq kit offers the convenience of extracting plant chromatin from a wide variety of plants including Arabidopsis, maize, rice, tomato and poplar a...
DownloadMegaruptor® 2 Quick guide
We have designed the Megaruptor® 2 using our highest level of knowledge in shearing so that it exceeds your expectations. This device will serve your research needs for many years an...
DownloadMegaruptor® 2 Manual
The Megaruptor® 2 was designed to provide researchers with a simple, automated, and reproducible device for the fragmentation of DNA in the range of 3 kb - 75 kb (contact us for the 3 k...
DownloadBioruptor® Plus DNA QC kit manual
We have developed the DNA Quality Control Kit for you to be able to track the efficiency of your Bioruptor® and to figure out the right time for servicing. After the sonication, if your QC...
DownloadBioruptor® Pico DNA QC kit manual
We have developed the DNA Quality Control Kit for you to be able to track the efficiency of your Bioruptor® and to figure out the right time for servicing. After the sonication, if your QC...
EVCleaner: size exclusion column for the isolation of extracellular vesicles
DownloadExoIP kits
ExoIP kit: immunocapture for efficient exosome isolation
ExoIP kits are the appropriate solution to isolate and enrich exosomes from diverse biological fluid samples and avoid contamination from v...
DownloadiDeal ChIP qPCR Kit manual
Diagenode’s iDeal ChIP-qPCR Kit is a highly optimized solution for ChIP-qPCR assays. Two versions of the protocol (manual and automated) are described in this manual. The kit provides high yi...
DownloadChIPmentation for Histones
Diagenode’s ChIPmentation technology, based on tagmentation, enables the integration of library preparation during ChIP itself using transposase and sequencing-compatible adaptors. Two versio...
DownloadMicroChIP DiaPure columns
Quick (2 minute) recovery of ultra-pure DNA from chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, cell lysates, Proteinase K digested samples, PCRs and other enzymatic reactions.
DownloadBioruptor® Pico Sonication System Manual
The Bioruptor® Pico is the latest innovation in shearing and represents a new breakthrough as an all-in-one shearing system optimized for shearing micro-volumes of 5 μl to larger volumes of ...